Whether you’re looking to redo your bathroom countertops with financing, borrow for upgraded bathroom appliances, or finance a new bathroom, it’s important to pick the right option for your Atlanta bathroom countertops upgrade.
Choosing to buy now and pay later for bathroom countertops gives you several benefits:
– Savings on your project: Bathroom loans can have major differences in interest and fees. Picking the right option could save you thousands of dollars.
– Manageable monthly payments for your bathroom: It’s important to pick a financing option that won’t blow a hole in your monthly budget.
Atlanta bathroom countertops upgrade
– No one-time hit to your bank account: You may have the income to responsibly finance your bathroom renovation, but want to avoid a large one-time hit to your bank account. Financing can help you spread out your bathroom’s costs, but you’ll have to pay interest and fees.
In this article, we will show you how to choose the right financing option for your Atlanta countertops upgrade. We’ll also tell you about the options we offer. Finally, we’ll also explain when it may be best to wait and save up the cash.
Choose a financing that’s right for you
You can qualify for affordable financing plans when you remodel your bathroom. These plans allow you to design, install and enjoy your bathroom now, with a comfortable payment program that fits your needs.
With Artstone Atlanta, you have several easy payment options available to finance all or part of your bathroom project. Based on your credit score and down payment, your bathroom design consultant can help you determine what works best with your budget.
When should you consider buying bathroom countertops now and paying later?
Simply put, the choice to get financing for your Atlanta bathroom countertops upgrade is for people who don’t have the cash to finance the project they have in mind. This could be everything buying new countertops or cabinets.
When considering renovations, bear in mind that the total cost will probably involve much more than just labor and materials. Often, this figure includes fees for architectural and engineering services, inspections and permits, and potentially having to put up a contingency reserve of 10 percent.
Various types of loans are available, most of them contingent on how much equity you have built up in your home. Whatever your project, there’s probably a mortgage or personal loan that will allow you to complete your project comfortably.
Alternatives to a Home Renovation Loans
If you have very healthy credit and a less expensive project in mind, you can use a credit card with a promotional no-interest period as an alternative to a full renovation loan.
Isolating your project costs on a separate credit card will make it easier to keep those expenses separate from your usual spending, while a no-interest offer will minimize the cost of borrowing the money. Just remember that it can be easy to overspend with a credit card, so make sure you’re confident you can use it responsibly and repay the balance quickly.
There’s also the cash-out refinancing option for Atlanta bathroom Countertops, which involves refinancing your current mortgage at a higher loan amount and using the extra cash for a renovation. This choice might make sense if you have at least 20% equity in the home, a good credit score and low interest rate options available in the market.
Look carefully at current rates, lenders, and how much equity you have in your home before choosing a financing option for your Atlanta bathroom countertops upgrade.
Atlanta bathroom countertops upgrade
When should you opt for countertop financing in Atlanta?
Paying for your bathroom countertops with a personal loan is often the best choice if you can’t claim a tax break for home equity loan debt and you don’t want to jeopardize your house.
If you’re confident you can pay back the loan, can comfortably itemize on your tax return so as to deduct interest, and you aren’t worried about potentially owing more than your house is worth, then it may make sense to consider a home equity loan. Just be sure whatever loan you choose is affordable and covers the costs of the remodel you need to complete.
Artstone Atlanta Countertops Company is offering financing options with 0% interest for kitchen and bathroom countertop upgrades. Let us discuss your upgrade plans and where we can come in.