Grab the best deals on granite countertops today!
The festive season is not the only wonderful thing happening in Atlanta. Art Stone is offering the biggest granite countertops deals and discounts to help Atlanta residents get save on granite countertops.
However, with the large selection of countertop materials available at our showrooms you might feel overwhelmed by the numerous deals on countertops available. Our on-site consultants are therefore, always ready to help you select the best granite or quartz countertop, according to your taste and budget.
save on granite
There is certainly a lot of deals and discount for Granite and Quartz Countertops in Atlanta. At Artstone Atlanta, we feature hundreds of colors, textures, and patterns with materials ranging from natural stone to quartz composite and other exotics materials. We are going to look at some basic countertops types that will bear the biggest discounts this holiday season.
Save on Granite and Quartz countertops
The first thing that will come to mind when you think about saving on quartz and granite is most likely the beauty of the countertops on offer. Our Granite countertops will lend an air of luxury to any room, and will help you elevate the design of your living space to a whole new level. Our granite and quartz countertops have a number of advantages over most of the other materials out there, and this makes them a worthy investment in your home.
Granite countertops are some of the most durable surfaces. Granite is tougher compared to lots of other common countertops such as Formica, and it holds up well to regular wear and tear. Since granite countertops make such hard surfaces, they are resistant to scratches–and cutting on them will only damage your knives, but not your surfaces!
Quartz Countertops sell like hot cake, and for this reason, we decided to offer holiday season Deals on Quartz and Granite Countertops in Atlanta, to appreciate our loyal customers for supporting us and help them save on granite and quartz countertops.
Why Factory Direct Granite and Quartz Countertops Can Save You Money
Factory-direct products normally cost less. This is true because there aren’t any middlemen involved. Retailers and distributors have numerous expenses that they must pass on to buyers. Customers need to fund their buildings, employees and transportation contractors. These companies also incorporate advertising costs into their prices.
When you order factory direct Countertops from Artstone Atlanta, not only will you be getting your countertops for less, they are less likely to suffer damage in shipping. Some slabs change hands repeatedly as different distributors and retailers try to sell them at various prices. Countertops that fail to sell in a luxury shop may be sent to a department store before reaching a liquidator. Each transfer increases the likelihood of shipping damage. Even if a slab appears to remain intact, it could fail sooner because rough treatment has weakened internal components.
End of year discounts on granite and quartz countertops by Artstone Atlanta
Artstone is also offering end of year sales showcasing Granite and Quartz countertops. These countertops are ideal for use near a cooktop and range. Quartz countertops will save you a lot of worry about wear when setting down hot pans, because unlike other materials, quartz does not get damaged or weakened by extreme heat. Although this may not seem like a very useful feature, you’ll be surprised at how convenient it is to your cooking experience.
save on granite
You will never have to worry about stains on your granite countertops. If you have them properly sealed by Artstone fabrication experts, your countertops will not absorb any liquid or stain as a result.
Our experts at Artstone Atlanta will ensure a correct installation to make sure you are 100% satisfied, and that you can save on granite and quartz cpuntertops, or any other countertops you choose for years to come. Give us a call today if you are ready to upgrade your countertops with the biggest End of year Sales Discount.