The reason why most homeowners pick granite bathroom countertops as their first choice is quite apparent. Unlike most of the other countertop materials available in the market today, granite is 100% natural material that is exceptionally durable and easy to maintain. It is also available in different colors or textures that range from subtle shades of white to black. Basically, there is a granite color and texture available to complement any style and preference. Among the many reasons why granite bathroom countertops are growing in popularity includes:
- Incorporating granite bathroom countertops increases the value of your home significantly
- Granite has an incomparable design and style
- Granite is resistant to heat, etch and stain
- Granite bathroom countertops are an affordable and long-lasting choice
- Each slab of granite is unique.
Let us look at each of the points above in detail.
Granite bathroom countertops instantly increase the value of your home
Granite bathroom countertops
If you would be keen on any television show that features home improvement or renovations, you will notice that the very first request from the customers is for the fabricators to feature granite countertops in the bathroom and kitchens. You will literally see the disappointment in their faces when instead of granite, they are met by quartz or laminate countertops. One of the reasons why granite bathroom countertops are so popular is because of their natural beauty and their durability, not to mention that granite is a show of luxurious taste. In Atlanta alone, it is estimated that most homeowners expect 100% returns from their homes if they invest in granite countertops. Although having granite countertops in your bathroom is not the only selling point for your home, it is one of the factors that will increase the value of your home.
Unique design and style
Naturally, granite slabs are all unique because you will never find any two identical pieces. Each slab comes with its own variation in style, color, and charm. Ranging from a rich earth tone, exceptional shades of green, yellow, red, or blue to the more basic shades of white, black and grey, granite material will always have a color shade to match the theme of your bathroom, regardless of the style of your preference. Most Atlanta homeowners compare their granite bathroom countertops to one of a kind priceless art. Just as granite slabs are available in different shades, they are also available in various textures, meaning if you prefer softer tone slabs or slabs with much less dramatic veining, some options fit the description. There still homeowners who would love granite bathroom countertops that come in shades of white, but are a bit hesitant because of the maintenance required. However, fabricators always explain that granite does not require a lot of maintenance, and this should not be a drawback factor. As a matter of fact, granite countertops are easier to maintain than most of the other natural stone countertops, which are much more expensive.
Granite bathroom countertops are heat, etch and stain resistant
After putting on your makeup or shaving in your bathroom, all you need to keep your granite countertop looking tremendous and new is a simple wipe with a damp cloth, and you will be good to go. Granite material is hard and resistant to staining or etches, and won’t scotch in case you happen to place a hot iron on the surface. In case you are still worried about staining your bathroom countertops, you can seal the surface, a procedure that will take less than 10 minutes, and you will be guaranteed of a lifetime assurance of no stains.
A long-term, affordable investment
Granite bathroom countertops in Atlanta will last as long as your home, or beyond. In the next 30 years or more, materials that are comparatively priced with granite or even higher priced will have been replaced twice, but your granite bathroom countertop will still be there, always looking good. Having new bathroom countertops is an integral of the design and function of one of the most used rooms. In the bathroom, these countertops take the brunt of your daily routine, which is why they are one of the most preferred bathroom countertops in Atlanta.
The uniqueness of each slab of granite
Granite bathroom countertops
If you were to choose from one of the man-made countertop material, you will be provided with a small sample so that you can carry it home and see if it would blend in with the rest of the room. The problem with this is that in most cases, these samples do not represent what the end results will be. However for granite countertops, you will have a chance of looking at the entire slab and based on the veining and color variation of your choice, you can choose one that is most appealing.
Bottom line
Granite is a classic look that is here to stay and will remain stylish for years. It offers the durability and sustenance required in your daily activities. With granite bathroom countertops in Atlanta, you will always be assured that they will serve the purpose that you intend for them. Visit one of Atlanta bathroom countertops stores today and get that stunning focal point for your bathroom.